Silver Era Divorce

The youngest baby boomer in 2017 will be turning 53 years old. Anyone in the baby boomer era will relate to wanting a lifestyle change and part of that may include a divorce. It is not unusual at all for people at a more mature stage of life to reflect and make decisions regarding new directions for their lives. Sometimes things change over time. While still presenting a significant life challenge, Silver Era or Gray divorces can often be much more amicable because minor children are grown and there are enough assets for both people to continue their lives comfortably but in different directions.

It can also be a stressful time but with Irwin & Irwin Family Law we understand how to mediate both parties to reach an optimal agreement so that more of the assets remain with you than in legal fees. We can provide litigation services but our aim is for you to enjoy your lifestyle, the chapter of your life which entails, a new relationship, travel or doing a doctorate.

At Irwin & Irwin we have frequently dealt with such circumstances, and we are prepared to help you. For more information on how we get you a settlement out of court: